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Regular price 589 SEK
Regular price Sale price 589 SEK
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Product Description

DeBoom is a one knob wonder that represents a new path forward in resolving common low-frequency problems. Eventide's Structural Split technology makes it possible to surgically sculpt low-frequency content in ways never before possible. Tame low-frequency muddiness without losing the thump, remove resonance but keep the punch, and enhance your low-end utilizing this new dimension of sonic sculpting


  • Structural Split: The same technology found in SplitEQ and Physion. Whatever instrument you process, DeBoom analyzes the incoming audio and separates these components into their respective Transient (noise, pops, mic plosives, vocal sibilance, attacks) and Tonal (sustained notes, harmonics, tone, ambiance) elements. DeBoom uses this information to apply specially crafted EQ curves to the tonal layer of the incoming audio, removing boom and reshaping sounds instantly. 
  • Just One Knob: A straightforward user interface. Turn the dial, lose the mud and keep the thud. DeBoom's user interface also includes undo/redo, input gain and built-in bypass.