Rupert Neve Designs Shelford Diode Bridge Compressor Shop all Rupert Neve Designs

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Regular price 1.388.300 Ft
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Product Description

The 5254 Dual Diode Bridge Compressor reimagines the larger than life personality of the classic circuits that Mr. Rupert Neve created fifty years ago with his first compressor designs.  With new levels of precision and control, enhanced creative power, and increased punch, the iconic diode bridge topology is thoughtfully improved and refined for modern tracking mixing and mastering.

Unlike our VCA compressors, which are built for exacting clarity, the harmonically rich tonality of the Dual Diode Bridge Compressor is built to produce a wide range of colors – and built to help you make a statement with your music. Based on the dynamics circuit originally developed for the acclaimed Shelford Channel, the 5254 is outfitted for dual mono or stereo use with Rupert Neve Designs’ custom transformers and class-A electronics, tailor made for a compact 1U 19” enclosure.

By understanding the limitations of the vintage units’ topologies, painstaking effort was taken to reproduce the unique tone of these classics while improving the noise floor & accuracy, expanding inflexible time constants, adding full wave sidechain detection for improved dynamic response, and widening the range of threshold and ratio controls. Delivering the powerful sound of these iconic designs with enhanced flexibility for the modern age, the Dual Diode Bridge Compressor is a dynamic tool equipped to make a bold statement on virtually any mix or track.

The unified TIMING control consists of six selectable settings, carefully chosen for different applications – a major departure from the slow, fixed attack of the vintage units. FAST and MF settings are designed to help clamp down on more transient signals. MED and MS have slightly slower attacks and releases which allow more transients through, while having a slightly longer recovery. Lastly, SLOW and AUTO are both significantly slower and feature complex nonlinear release times, with smoother, less audible level control.

Given the naturally colored sonic signature of the 5254’s diode bridge, the built-in parallel compression ability is especially useful. The BLEND control allows the user to inject smaller amounts of extreme compression into an otherwise unaffected signal, creating an enhanced yet natural sound that maintains dynamic range with blendable color and punch.